• Immigration Assistance

    Our District Assemblywoman, Latrice Walker, will be hosting a webinar today, February 7th, at 6:30 PM along with other leaders, to discuss these matters.
    Brooklyn Collegiate - A College Board School
  • February Calendars

    Brooklyn Collegiate - A College Board School
  • Valentine's Day Family Paint Night: February 12th

    Join us on Wednesday, February 12th in Room 403, doors open at 4:30 PM. Limited spots are available, fill out the Google Form or text Ms. Riggins to RSVP today. 

    Brooklyn Collegiate - A College Board School
  • Interview Skills Part 2 Workshop Thursday, February 6th: 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM

    Interview Skills Part 2 Workshop happening this Thursday, February 6th, from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM in the College Office. 

    Brooklyn Collegiate - A College Board School
  • PSAT Information

    Click the link to learn more information:

    Brooklyn Collegiate - A College Board School
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Upcoming Events

  • PTA Meeting

    Please join us for our PTA meeting. To access the following meeting please join the link below

    Brooklyn Collegiate - A College Board School
  • PTA Meeting

    Please join us for our PTA meeting. To access the following meeting please join the link below

    Brooklyn Collegiate - A College Board School
  • PTA Meeting

    Please join us for our PTA meeting. To access the following meeting please join the link below

    Brooklyn Collegiate - A College Board School
  • PTA Meeting

    Please join us for our PTA meeting. To access the following meeting please join the link below

    Brooklyn Collegiate - A College Board School
  • PTA Meeting

    Please join us for our PTA meeting. To access the following meeting please join the link below

    Brooklyn Collegiate - A College Board School
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Principals Corner

Principal Newman's School Address


B.C. News

  • Immigration Assistance

    Our District Assemblywoman, Latrice Walker, will be hosting a webinar today, February 7th, at 6:30 PM along with other leaders, to discuss these matters.
    Brooklyn Collegiate - A College Board School
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Through extensive partnerships, Brooklyn Collegiate has cultivated a strong bond with Brooklyn College with programs such; The TRIO Program, Student Teaching (Teacher Internships) and for the first time, Communication Internship. It is through fostered relationships as these, Brooklyn Collegiate endeavors to provide the best for not only the students of the school, but the community at large in which it serves.

Attention Parents, Guardians, and Students

Brooklyn Collegiate is using Google Classroom for our Distance Learning and Online Classroom Platform

CLICK HERE for an introduction to Google Classroom

Contact your child's teacher with any questions, comments, or concerns

If you receive no response within 24 hours, send an e-mail to


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